Wednesday, December 16, 2015

$20 Coupon for PHOTOJOJO!

If you haven't already heard me talk about Photojojo, you haven't seen me struggle to articulate my love for a website.

I believe that if Photojojo was a single person, we would be best friends. However, Photojojo is a culmination of a multitude of different people from across the US (and maybe a few in Canada and other places, too?) that must be the best people there are! They are the exclamation points of the people world and they have led to a website and blog and social media presence that have this irresistibly pleasant personality. They also carry a lot of super neat gadgets and accessories and photography/phoneography* gear in their store.

*Phoneography is the practise of phone photography. It's a very PJJ word.

Click the following link to get a $20 coupon to their store to spend on you or someone you like by Friday, December 18!


I don't want to come across too obnoxiously by trying to push this coupon, but I have already become a devoted fan and loyal advocate of Photojojo, so having a gift to share with you all is my pleasure.

Use it before Friday!

Monday, December 14, 2015

FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out

I consider myself a somewhat indecisive individual.

Many people that know me on a moderate to intimate level would also consider me somewhat indecisive.

Individuals who don't know me at all, but who are in positions where they are asking me to make a decision (anyone asking for my food order) would probably consider me fairly anxious and very indecisive.


This quality of myself is something I have been reflecting on a lot over the last handful of months as I look ahead to May, when I will officially graduate with my undergraduate degree and move on to...



... Something.

FOMO (or "Fear Of Missing Out") is a term I was introduced to during my time as a Residence Advisor, when I was advised not to do every activity available during my 4-day training retreat. FOMO, I was told, would make me feel like I should and could burn me out. I took this to heart, and rested when I needed to and indulged in activities when I wanted to. However, since then, I have experienced many moments of FOMO wherein I have struggled to make decisions because I am afraid that the number of good things I could miss out on in one opportunity by taking another opportunity instead. Whether it is making a decision at a restaurant or taking a job offer, I have recently struggled a lot more with choosing a path because I fear the missed opportunities of other paths. This has felt very heavy and real as I consider what my next steps will be following graduation.

I was watching Aziz Ansari's Master of None, and in one episode that highlighted a difficult relationship decision, the following quote from Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar was referenced:

“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.”

This resonated with me, as the timeliness of the reference was opportune. I am constantly getting caught up in my thoughts about the future and how I don't want to decide to do something that will "lock me in" to one thing. However, what I am realizing is that my FOMO is getting in the way of me pursuing something. I can still enjoy many other things that I won't be actively pursuing in an educational or career sense, but I am ultimately not able to enjoy any of them as much as I could because I am so afraid of choosing one thing to focus on (e.g., through getting a degree in it).

A supervisor of mine described my way of thinking as "comparing lists of checkmarks and trying to decide which thing has the most checkmarks (i.e., good things) when, in reality, they ALL have a lot of checkmarks*" (*paraphrasing). I try to keep this in mind as I look ahead to this somewhat more significant, but not necessarily life-path-deciding decision. I know that I am probably going to hold multiple careers over my lifetime - likely in slightly different fields, too! However, the decision to embark on a particular path feels like a heavy one, and I am working on coming to terms with the ways that any decision will benefit me and that I can acquire skills to pursue other careers if I so desire.

If you, too, struggle with FOMO, try to reach peace with yourself by knowing that any decision with many "checkmarks" is going to be helpful to you. It might teach you what you love, what you don't love, or it might reveal an unexpected source of enthusiasm! Choose with thoughtfulness, but don't be so thoughtful that your options pass you by as you try to understand which one is the "best". You can always learn new things later, but you can also start learning something right now.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pumpkin Challenge 2015: Days 26 - 31

What a month of pumpkin goodness! Thanks for sticking around for the ride if you have until now. 

Below, the final 6 days...

Day 26: Yonanas Pumpkin Green Smoothie

Day 27: Pumpkin Scone (courtesy of Cobs Bread)

Day 28: Vegan Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll (courtesy of Edible Flours)

Day 29: Vegan Pumpkin Pudding Bread (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Day 30: Pumpkin Peanut Butter Apple Nachos 

Day 31: Pumpkin Spiced Whiskey Chocolate Mini Cakes

See you next year!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pumpkin Challenge 2015: Days 6 - 25

I have obviously become busy and thus neglectful of my Pumpkin Challenge blogging.


Day 6: Vegan chocolate-chip pumpkin cookies (courtesy of

Day 7: Vegan pumpkin-pie brownies (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Day 8: Iced soy pumpkin spice latte (courtesy of Starbucks)

Day 9: Veggie hot pot (there is pumpkin hidden in the back)

Day 10: Grandma's homemade pumpkin and seed treats

Day 11: Vegan pumpkin pie (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Day 12: Friendsgiving pumpkin pie at UB's

Day 13: Pumpkin-Ovaltine cocoa

Day 14: Attempted vegan pumpkin fudge (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie and my tiny food processor)

Day 15: Pumpkin croquette (courtesy of Sun Sushi)

Day 16: Pumpkin spice waffles (courtesy of Nature's Path)

Day 17: Almond-milk pumpkin spice latte (courtesy of Blenz)

Day 18: Pumpkin pie smoothie or "the best smoothie I've ever had" (courtesy of the Juice Truck)

Day 19: Vegan pumpkin oat bars (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Day 20: Vegan pumpkin Yonanas ice cream

Day 21: Pumpkin spice muffin (courtesy of Tim Horton's)

Day 22: Pumpkin spice doughnut (courtesy of Cartems)

Day 23: Failed batch of pumpkin cinnamon rolls (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie and my poor track record with using yeast)

Day 24: Pumpkin risotto (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Day 25: Pumpkin risotto take 2 (courtesy of Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pumpkin Challenge Days 1 - 5

Day 1: Pumpkin Banana Bread

This delicious and vegan recipe was pulled from Hidden Fruits and Veggies! It turned out great, and I chalk that up to an excellent recipe... But how could it turn out any other way when it is full of chocolate chips?

Day 2: Pumpkin Chai Latte

A favourite staying-in go-to of mine for the pumpkin challenge! Made with Tassimo chai concentrate, warm almond milk, and large heaping spoonfuls of pumpkin puree with cinnamon on top. I chose to top this mug with coconut-milk whipped cream (if you have not tried it before, vegan/dairy-free or not, YOU SIMPLY MUST).

Day 3: Pumpkin Pizza

This pumpkin pizza was made for our house-warming pizza party last week! It was inspired by this recipe from, but shares few similarities, as I was using pumpkin puree. According to those that ate it, it was a success! I replaced pizza sauce with pumpkin puree and topped it with cauliflower, spinach, caramelized onions, and rosemary. I believe that the original recipe would definitely be worth going back to and making according to the instructions!

Day 4: Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins

My sources tell me that these cute muffins were light and delicious, and their easily approachable size make them super snacks. The recipe comes from Southern In Law, and is one I would turn to for light desserts or party treats in the future!

Day 5: Pumpkin Pasta Sauce

Day 5 was a day of rushing around and realizing: Oh no! I don't have a pumpkin thing yet! From that, you get: Pumpkin puree turned pasta sauce. I quickly heated the puree in a pan and mixed it with a few spices, including curry powder, and threw it on some pasta with asparagus before heading to work - admittedly not my greatest creation, but it did taste good despite its hasted creation!