Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pumpkin Challenge: Days 30 and 31

That wonderful moment when I get to say, "the penultimate day" has come and gone.
Today is the ultimate day of the Pumpkin Challenge (I'm going to go with the 4th annual). 

My final two days of the Pumpkin Challenge have yielded some of my favourite baking to date! Pumpkin does, almost by default, make things special and delicious; however, these items (with pumpkin in them) turned out really delicious and texture-friendly and lovely anyways! The pumpkin ended up being a bonus, rather than the factor that made them doable (much like the case of the miniature pumpkin tarts of a few days ago).

Day 31: Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, vegan (Chocolate-Covered Katie)

Day 31: Pumpkin Scones with chocolate chips, vegan (Feeding My Addiction)

I have so enjoyed my pumpkin challenge this year! It was a challenge to keep things interesting and different throughout the challenge in terms of food (because I'm sure the blog posts were not always interesting and/or different).

However, the satisfaction of having made so many new foods and trying so many new techniques has been exciting for me, and I think that I've made a few steps forward in my culinary skills!

Until next year -