The paleo diet - if a caveman (ahem, cave person) wouldn't eat it, neither do you!
If you could hunt for it and find it in the wild, then it's yours to eat - nuts, seasonal fruits and veggies, meat, seeds, etc. Essentially, it is a "natural" diet, in that you aren't dealing with agriculturally-produced foods (sorry, pasta).
This is all information I've gathered from the Internet, so take it with a grain of salt (did cave people eat salt?) - but what I am trying to do here, is offer a prelude to today's pumpkin item:
Paleo Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes! (recipe) (also vegan!)
These photos are pretty awful quality (I blame yellowish lighting and decor), but I believe that they capture the essence of what this recipe turned into: A bit of a squishy, but clean and yummy, treat.
The best part about these was definitely using my mini food processor from Cuisinart! I have only used it twice, but the past two days have been made a whole lot more exciting as a result of it. I described the feeling of using it as a feeling of having a missing piece of my daily life - my mom seems to be okay with this description.
I added some coconut ice cream to make it more "pie"-like, and I would say it worked! I also ate my samples before they had completely cooled, and this may have contributed to how squishy they were. Currently, they are chilling (literally) in my fridge, and I plan to have another go at them tomorrow.
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