Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reading Week 2014

With reading week already three days past, the midterm grind is on and I have become unnaturally fatigued following the men's gold medal hockey game (the early morning seems to have triggered an insatiable weariness). However, I had a wonderful week off from classes and was able to do lots of adventuring thanks to an out-of-town visitor who wished to pursue some tourist attractions in Vancouver.

The break began on the last day of the hot chocolate festival, with my fellow's birthday and Valentine's Day all making for a delicious three-way celebration:

 We chose Nuba restaurant as our spot to celebrate a 21st birthday and Valentine's Day dinner.
Our fuel of choice included delicious tomato and crispy cauliflower appetizers, and
stuffed eggplant for the main course - all vegetarian or vegan and SO DELICIOUS!

Following the Friday, we began our tourist adventures.

Looking over the bridge's edge!

After our guest took a hiatus over on the island, I studied and made my way home for a couple of days to continue recuperating and Olympic-watching.

(We won gold.)


THEN we returned to our tour guide lives (after doing some morning muffin making).

"Goddess Bowl" at Aphrodite's Organic 
Cafe and Pie Shop.

And.... It snowed!

Quite a lot!
(By Vancouver standards.)

My reading week was full of reading (for three midterms that I just overcame), family, friends, and an adequate amount of rest. Plus, a lot of exciting and emotional Olympic moments! Overall, I would deem it a success. Now, I am back to the home-stretch of this school year with finals to prepare for, papers to write, elections to get through next week, a couple more interviews to see through (as well as outcomes of previous ones), and the move out of residence.

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